Excellent PD Session
Thanks Helen and Kate for an excellent session Saturday, and to the organisers. Thank you to the caterers and soup makers too.
Jan from Warradale Primary
You can create your own blog like this.
Thanks Helen and Kate for an excellent session Saturday, and to the organisers. Thank you to the caterers and soup makers too.
Jan from Warradale Primary
Here is the text of a post.
The labels are tags.... and enable you to apply keywords to posts. This enables blog readers to easily locate blog posts on the same topic.
You can leave comments on each post within the blog.
Kate and I are looking forward to the workshop this weekend. If you are attending the session, you will have received an e-mail inviting them to become an author for this blog.
This is an example of a post that you can write and add to the blog.
this is the text
this is a link
workshop darwin
Wow. Blogging is really interesting. It doesn't seem too hard either.
First timer
This Thursday ALIA is coming to Gawler! The event is being held at the TAFE Gawler campus, 43 High St. Gawler, South Australia.
A Blogging Basics 101 workshop is being held from 5 - 6pm followed by the ALIA National Advisory Congress (NAC).
If you have already registered to attend the event, your in-box will have received an invitation to become a author for this blog. We encourage you to make your account active, which will enable you to contribute to this blog.
Tip: Previously, when we have invited people to post, they have experienced problems responding to the e-mail. Often this is due to the computer restrictions placed on the computer system within your work environment. If this occurs attempt to activate your account on a public access area or at home.
Thinking of attending the workshop and NAC event but haven't sent an RSVP? There is still time. Please contact Jeannine Hooper
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 27th September 2007, 6:00 pm.
Welcome to the session on how to use blogs for teaching and learning!