How now brown cow
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Blogging during workshop
Blogging can be interesting, if you are creative.
Learning a new skill
Here we are, at the end of a long day, wrapping our brains around a new skill. Luckily Helen is a very patient tutor!
First timer
1 remarks
Tonight's session
Looking forward to tonight's blogging session. I hope to learn some new tricks and to have fun in the process!
Blogging Workshop
Hi Fellow Bloggers in Training
I am loooking forward to tonight, have no real idea about who blogs and why. Will I ever be a blogger? At least I will know more by the end of this session.
My blog
Hello, I created a blog as practice for the workshop. You can find it at Premium Track: Monster Blood Tattoo
New to blogging!
Looking forward to tonight! Really have no idea what it's all about (I hope there are some other people as new to this as me!) so should be a great learning experience.
Expectations? Me?
Well first on the list would be a cup of tea. Second would be to catch up a smidge to the young 'uns in this technology race. Thirdly, perhaps to have an excuse to not cook dinner for the young'uns.
Reply to Invite
Thank you for your invitation Helen. I look forward to discovering more blogging secrets tonight.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Blogging tips for non-profits...
Searching for blogging tips on the net is a little like deep-sea trawling. You catch a lot, but only a small amount is actually what you need, and occasionally you actually find something useful.
You can read a good piece on CommunIT. The website is part of CISA, which exists to assist the community and non-profit organisations.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Thanks to everyone...
...who came to our first "Blogging 101"workshop tonight.
Although the room was a bit crowded to start with, there was lots of conversation, questions, laughter and of course blogging!
For those of you who created a new blog tonight, it would be great if you felt comfortable to share the blog with other workshop participants by posting the blog address here. We saw some fantastic blog designs, colours and content being created during the workshop - well done!
For those who couldn't make it tonight, a 2nd "Blogging 101"workshop will be held next Wednesday (which is already booked out). If you missed out, email with your interest...we may hold a third workshop if there is enough demand, so let us know!
workshop ALIA
It's booked out!
Thanks for visiting the the test blog for the Blogging Basics 101 workshop run by ALIA-SA.
The second Blogging Basics 101 workshop is also booked out. If you are interested in attending a workshop, please contact Fiona Butcher . If there are enough people interested we will think about running another session.
We will be making the notes provided in the session available from the ALIA-SA group web page.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Which software shall I use...?
Good question... We really can't answer that question. You need to explore the different programs available. The following links all provide access to free on-line software:
When you come the workshop, you may need to access your e-mail on-line (depending on the program you create your blog with). Please write down your password, if you can't remember it, and bring it with you.
We did say it was popular...
A second workshop has been advertised for Wednesday 15th November 2006.
It will be a repeat of the session that we are running tomorrow, 8th November 2006. Content is exactly the same... we will just need to press the rewind and reply buttons.
Looking for details about the session, please refer to our earlier post.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Content.. content..content
As a person who enjoys a really good cup of coffee, I will return for repeat purchases to the shop based the following key points:
- quality of the product
- consistency
- availability
- range of product
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Being able to write...
Blogs have a number of purposes. As the creator, you need to decide on its purpose. There are 100's of links to websites that tell you how to blog. They are quite similar to each other. For more just search for "Blogging tips" in any search engine. Here are a few that I viewed
- Avinash Kaushik share his experiences Top ten blogging tips and insights from a novice blogger
- Top 10 weblog ethics (
- Sharon Housley shares her tips on FeedForAll