Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thanks to everyone...

...who came to our first "Blogging 101"workshop tonight.
Although the room was a bit crowded to start with, there was lots of conversation, questions, laughter and of course blogging!

For those of you who created a new blog tonight, it would be great if you felt comfortable to share the blog with other workshop participants by posting the blog address here. We saw some fantastic blog designs, colours and content being created during the workshop - well done!

For those who couldn't make it tonight, a 2nd "Blogging 101"workshop will be held next Wednesday (which is already booked out). If you missed out, email with your interest...we may hold a third workshop if there is enough demand, so let us know!


Terri said...

Looking forward to Wednesday 15 Nov to learn how to do this correctly

Helen said...

Looks like you have commenting down pat.